Monday, November 19, 2012

Herb Roasted Pork Loin

In honor of the javalinas descending on my front lawn and destryoing everything, here is a great recipe for pork. You could substitute javalina, but don't get caught.

                          Herb Roasted Pork Loin

1- 4# Pork loin, trimmed
10 small red potatoes, quartered.
2 white onions, peeled and quartered (Leave one end intact to hold together)
5 carrots, peeled, halved (large end), and sliced into 1-inch pieces
4 tbl spoons olive oil
2 tsps dried thyme
2 tsps garlic powder
2 tsps onion powder
2 tsps cumin powder

In a small bowl, toss onion, potatoes, and carrots with 2 tbl spoons olive oil, and half the
herbs. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Rub pork loin with remainign 2 tbl spoons olive oil, then pat on dry herbs and sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper.

In a preheated 350 degree over, place pork loin on a rack in a shallow baking pan. Cook 45-50 minutes. Place vegetables around pork loin and cook 45-50 additional minutes (Internal temperature 140-145 degrees). Remove from heat, cover with foil, and let rest 15 minutes for juices to settle before slicing.

Serves 8

In Arizona or Texas, eat on back deck and pretend you're eating obnoxious javalinas.

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